Bespoke programmes are designed for individuals and teams to address areas for development that translate into results. Since each set of circumstances is unique, programmes are created to meet your agenda and achieve the most positive outcomes for your organisation. Programmes range from short high intensity micro-coaching, regular one-to-one sessions, to two-day focus workshops.

Team Coaching
The success of business leaders is delivered through their teams. The idea of a single charismatic leader in charge of a business is increasingly outdated. For virtual, international or project-specific teams, teamship has become the key requirement.

Career Coaching
Career reviewing and planning is a crucial process when transitioning into a new role or profession. My methodology helps people to identify their strengths, understand the multiple forces that drive intention, and make informed choices based on practical realities.

Transition Coaching
Working towards a promotion or embarking on a new career puts us in an adaptive mindset. A transition coach helps to define and shape your new skills in leadership and management and offers objective input on new career choices.

Leadership Coaching
The type of coaching that interests me is one that explores root causes of situations as well as the presenting issues. I coach natural leaders into thoughtful and dynamic managers by encouraging self reflection while facilitating a balance between one’s own vision and ideas from team members or colleagues.

Maternity Coaching
Maternity coaching supports women who are making the transition from pregnancy through maternity leave to return to the workplace. Many female professionals are highly ambitious, and whilst pregnancy is an exciting time, navigating the balance between motherhood and career performance is a unique challenge.

Dispute is a natural and healthy part of communication, but can cause splintering in relationships and profoundly undermine a working culture. Without sensitive handling, conflict can escalate into costly and time-consuming grievance procedures or litigation.

Mindfulness Training
Mindfulness is a state of mind that brings full attention to the present moment with absolute clarity and without judgement. Mindfulness training helps you decide what to prioritise, how to tackle demanding situations, manage overload and face tasks you routinely put off.

Graduate Coaching
Entrepreneurial graduates have the competitive edge and ambition to succeed in business, but sometimes lack tactical know-how to ensure sustainable success. Coaching teaches the art of leadership, negotiation, presentation gravitas, communication and how to manage a team.

Skill-set Coaching
When you're producing a presentation, delivering a paper, preparing for an interview or performance review, coaching gives you personal tutoring and objective feedback in skills that generate credibility and impact. I will support your practice of these new skills until they become second nature.

High Intensity Micro-Coaching
It is not always convenient to take time out for coaching when deadlines are looming or urgent responses are required. I offer highly focused coaching sessions for time-strapped executives to step outside the melee and focus on issues with greater clarity.